Ten Thousand Coins - v0.5.0 Update - Alpha Development Begins!
Summary of v0.5.0 Development
Development Milestone
New Game Modes
With v0.5.0, the game has been divided into different game modes.
The gameplay of the previous versions is now called Story Mode, which follows Viia and Vuut Vuut on their journey to acquire ten thousand coins.
A new mode that's been added is the Challenge Mode, where you play as a masked merchant of the Ravenn Company. Each game you play in Challenge Mode is a "Job", where you must acquire a certain type of item the Ravenn Company is looking for. After completing the job, you are rewarded with coins, which you slowly build up to increase your rank in the company.
Currently still in development is the Freeplay Mode, where the player is free to choose their own custom scenarios and play them.
Settlement Needs System
From play-testing feedback, a change to how the needed goods in each settlement are selected have been made.
Each settlement will now regularly change what goods they will need. To find out what goods a settlement might need in the coming days, the player will need to interact with the new Rumour System.
Rumour System
The rumour system is a way of finding out upcoming changes to what a settlement needs or what the weather (day events) might be like in the coming days.
At each settlement, the player can converse with locals after each successful barter to hear rumours. The rumours given by the locals may address what goods they are lacking and will be needing soon, how the weather is looking to change, or just a rant if unlucky.
The player must converse, keep track, and change their actions depending on what the locals have said to better prepare and made trades accordingly.
Development Milestone
- Start of Alpha Development
- Game Mode - Story Mode
- Game Mode - Challenge Mode
- Rumour System
- Update - Settlement Needs System
- Update - Defeat System
- Update - Wagon Upgrade System
- Update - Danger Level System
- New Art - Main Menu
- New Art - Challenge Mode
- Art Update - Wilderness Travel
- Art Update - Main UI
- Art Update - Milestone UI
- Art Update - Wilderness UI
- Content Update - New Tutorials
- Content Update - New Dialog
- Bug Fixes
- Event - Auckland Armageddon 2017
New Game Modes
With v0.5.0, the game has been divided into different game modes.
The gameplay of the previous versions is now called Story Mode, which follows Viia and Vuut Vuut on their journey to acquire ten thousand coins.
A new mode that's been added is the Challenge Mode, where you play as a masked merchant of the Ravenn Company. Each game you play in Challenge Mode is a "Job", where you must acquire a certain type of item the Ravenn Company is looking for. After completing the job, you are rewarded with coins, which you slowly build up to increase your rank in the company.
Currently still in development is the Freeplay Mode, where the player is free to choose their own custom scenarios and play them.
Settlement Needs System
From play-testing feedback, a change to how the needed goods in each settlement are selected have been made.
Each settlement will now regularly change what goods they will need. To find out what goods a settlement might need in the coming days, the player will need to interact with the new Rumour System.
Rumour System
The rumour system is a way of finding out upcoming changes to what a settlement needs or what the weather (day events) might be like in the coming days.
At each settlement, the player can converse with locals after each successful barter to hear rumours. The rumours given by the locals may address what goods they are lacking and will be needing soon, how the weather is looking to change, or just a rant if unlucky.
The player must converse, keep track, and change their actions depending on what the locals have said to better prepare and made trades accordingly.
Defeat System Update
From play-testing feedback, the previous defeat system was found to be too punishing. Changes have since been made, and these include:
Misc Updates
Auckland Armageddon 2017
Ten Thousand Coins v0.5.0 was shown at the Auckland Armageddon event in October. We received helpful feedback that will go towards development.
Thank you to all who checked out the game, as well as the organisers of the event who made it possible!
From play-testing feedback, the previous defeat system was found to be too punishing. Changes have since been made, and these include:
- Player will not longer be moved back to their previously visited settlement, instead they will remain where they are.
- The goods they lose are dependent on the amount of goods they have (e.g. 1/3 of their goods), with a minimum of 1 good to be lost.
- Starvation causes a great lost in time.
Misc Updates
- Wagon upgrade cost reduced.
- Danger level in wilderness adjusted to better fit difficulty curve.
- Wilderness events adjusted to suit new danger levels.
- UI art upgrade on main UI, milestone UI, and wilderness travel UI.
- Changes in dialog and tutorial text.
Auckland Armageddon 2017
Ten Thousand Coins v0.5.0 was shown at the Auckland Armageddon event in October. We received helpful feedback that will go towards development.
Thank you to all who checked out the game, as well as the organisers of the event who made it possible!